HQCF Results

Most farmers in Ekiti and Oyo states allocated 25-50% of their farmland to cassava cultivation.

Audit results showed that most of the cassava processors also engaged in the processing of products such as garri, fufu, cassava chips and cassava peels (for livestock feed).

54.5% of cassava processors had preference for specified cassava varieties for HQCF processing with 53.5% of processors indicating preference for the TME 419 cassava variety.
Below is a flow chart depicting the process of high-quality cassava flour from root to flour packaging.

The cyanide content of both roots and flours from the cassava varieties as well as the cyanide content from the flours produced by the SMEs were within the values recommended by the Standard Organisation of Nigeria (<10mgHCNeqv/100g).

Only 9 bakeries met the Nigerian government mandatory 10% HQCF inclusion rate while the majority of bakers (28 bakers) did not make use of any high-quality cassava flour in any of their products.